Garie Bushwalk - 28 March 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This walk was organised by Brian Everingham for the National Parks
Association of NSW.
Party - Brian, Suzanne, Ken, John, Digi Dave, Dave N

Above - Walking along Garie Beach

Above - Superb Fairy-wrens

Above - Garie Beach

Above - New Holland Honeyeater

Above - Sea Eagle

Above - New Holland Honeyeater

Above - Brain and Suzanne looking at an orchid

Above - Greenhood Orchid

Above - Cantherellus concinnus

Above - Cantherellus concinnus

Above - Bullant

Above - Banksia

Above - Bullant

Above - Coastal cliffs

Above - Skink

Above - Echidna

Above - New Holland Honeyeater

Above - Wattlebird

Above - Superb Fairy-wren

Above - Superb Fairy-wren

Above - Ken and John

Above - Garie Beach

Above - Rock platforms north of Garie

Above - Cantherellus concinnus

Above - Cantherellus concinnus

Above - Thelephora sp

Above - Drosera sp

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Austroboletus niveus
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