Goochs Crater - 11 October 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

This was a walk on the National Parks Association program led by Roger Lembit. Roger a botanist, has studied the plants in this are for many years and on this walk he shared his observations about how the ecology had changed after the 2013 bushfire.

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Geebung - a lot for fruit after the bushfire

Above - Native Iris

Above - Dotted Sun Orchid (Thelymitra ixioides) and friend

Above - Dotted Sun Orchid (Thelymitra ixioides) and friend

Above - Isopogon sp

Above - These are types of orchids (not yet in flower)

Above - Dotted Sun Orchid (Thelymitra ixioides)

Above - Dotted Sun Orchid (Thelymitra ixioides)

Above - Perhaps an aboriginal stone arrangement?

Above - Goochs Crater

Above - Nearby is a large cave - we stop here for lunch

Above - there is some faint aboriginal art (hand stencils in the cave)

Above - a child's hand stencil

Above - Goochs Crater

Above - Dampiera stricta

Above - hiding in the swamp - a snake. Possibly a Tigersnake?

Above - Rock formation

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata and rock formations

Above - Native Iris

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Mountain Dragon - Rankinia diemensis

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