Upper Grose Valley Walk - 3 - 5 July 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1
These pictures are spread over two pages. The second page can be
found here.
I was solo on this walk. I wanted to wait around and get photos at
various places. The lighting and atmospheric conditions were not as
I hoped but I still had a good trip. I went by train to Mt Victoria,
arriving there in the mid afternoon and then walking out to the
lookout above Victoria Falls. I camped at the lookout the first

Above - Burra Korain Head

Above - cliffs and Mt Banks

Above - Dalpurra Head

Above - Dusk

Above - a full moon

Above - an experimental shot taken at night (6:35pm) by moonlight.
It was a 30 second exposure at 4000 ISO

Above - Dawn

Above - Asgard Head

Above - on the track to Victoria Falls

Above - small cascade

Above - Victoria Falls

Above - small cascades below the falls

Above - the slot of a Grose Canyon

Above - Hanging Rock

Above - the Grose River

The photos are continued on this page
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