Kameruka Bushwalking Club Reunion 15-16 October 2014
I was a member of the Kameruka Bushwalking Club during the mid-late
1970's and they were having a reunion at Blackheath.
The festivities began with a slide show on the evening of the 15th.
This was organised by Jack Pettigrew.
On the morning of the 16th, I got up early and headed out to Govetts
Leap Lookout for the sunrise. Photos can
be viewed here.
Then, into Blackheath for breakfast and then a nice walk with some
of the Kamermukans down Popes Glen and around the cliff-top track to
near Pulpit Rock before heading back to Govetts Leap and meeting a
lot more Kamerukans and then walking to the top of Bridal Veil
Falls. Then some of us headed up the Braeside Walk.
Back at the Caravan Park, there was then a "Bushwalking Museum" of
old bushwalking equipment, songbooks and maps. We then headed off to
a nice dinner.

Above - Michael Glass admires a small waterfall at the end of Popes

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

Above - Pultenaea scabra (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Horseshoe Falls (the falls at the end of Popes Glen)

Above - Bridal Veil Falls (left) and Horseshoe Falls

Above - Rae Gooch and Michael Glass

Above - Orchid - Caladenia fuscata (Petalochilus fuscatus)

Above - Orchid - Caladenia fuscata (Petalochilus fuscatus)

Above - Sprengelia monticola (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Pulpit Rock and Pulpit Rock Lookout

Above - Epacris paludosa (Thanks Julie Favell for the id)

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Horseshoe Halls

Above - Grevillea acanthifolia ssp. acanthifolia

Above - Viola sp (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Rae and Michael on a lookout near Govetts Leap

Above - We meet up with a lot of other Kamerukans at Govetts Leap

Above - Diamond Python (Morelia spilota spilota) near Bridal
Veil Falls

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

Above - Some of the Kamerukans (L to R) - Bill Dowd, Bruce Vote, Lyn
Barclay, Maureen Ward, Steve Slater, Sue Slater, Stan McDonald, Jan
McDonald, Jock Barclay, Michael Glass, Judy Rhodes, Jim Graham, Dave

Above - Bauera rubioides

Above - Grevillea acanthifolia ssp. acanthifolia

Above - Walking up the Braeside Track with Michael Glass and Bill

Above - Back at the Caravan Park - the competition begins. Looking
on - Barry Dunnett, Stan McDonald, Jenny Dunnett, Jim Graham, Dave
Rhodes, Craig Austin, Jock Barclay, Val Attenbrow

Above - Deciding the best pair of "Bottle Washers" (Spondonicals)

Above - The "Camel" - Barry Dunnett admires the old pack, Jenny
Dunnett looks on.

Above - Choosing the best Walkers Songbook (all first editions) -
Doug Dunnet, Barry Dunnett, Steve Sessions (behind), Stan McDonald,
Joy Dunnet

Above - This one looks good. Complete with footprint.

Above - Lyn Barclay, Aat Vervoorn, Alan Barclay, Michael Glass, Bill
Dowd, Helen Gray, Val Attenbow and Sue Slater

Above - Dave Rhodes, Judy Rhodes, Merilyn Graham, Graham Wootton,
Jock Barclay, Barry Dunnett, Stan McDonald

Above - Doug Dunnet, Bruce Vote, Sam Stark, Sue Slater, Jim Slater
Many thanks to Barry Dunnet, Stan McDonald, Jack Pettigrew and the
other organisers and all those who came along - a great meeting of
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