Kanangra Walls Area - 19-20 October 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Diana had invited me to join her on a trip to Kanangra Walls. She
was researching the early history. I took my camera along.
Thanks to Col Gibson and Dan Clark for help with the flower id's.

Above - Kanangra Walls from Echo Head

Above - Kanangra Deep, Mt Cloudmaker and the High Gangerang Range
and Kanangra Walls from Echo Head

Above - Kanangra Deep and Thurat Spires from Kanangra Walls

Above - Thurat Spires and Kanangra Walls

Above - Heath on the Kanangra Plateau

Above - Dawn - Kanangra Plateau

Above - Overlapping spurs - Kanangra Creek and the Wild Dog

Above - Sporting and Progress Association Ridge - Kanangra Deep

Above - Narrow Neck and the Wild Dog Mountains

Above - Thurat Walls

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus

Above - Kanangra Falls (the upper fall) and the White Tower

Above - Caladenia Orchid

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Veronica lithophila

Above - Caladenia Orchid - Caladenia fuscata

Above - Cottage Rock

Above - Stypandra glauca

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Streaked Rock Orchid - Dockrillia striolata

Above - Orchid (probably a Duck Orchid with the head not yet emerged
- Caleana major)

Above - Grevillea imberbis

Above - Dotted Sun Orchid - Thelymitra ixioides

Above - Diana on the plateau

Above - Kanangra Walls

Above - The resident wallaby (and joey) at the carpark

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