Heathcote - Karloo Pool Walk - 12 December 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Brian, Theo, Ken, John, Dave N
Thanks to Brian Everingham for leading this walk for the National
Parks Association of NSW. And thanks to Brian for the insect id's.

Above - Blotched Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum

Above - Christmas Beetle, perhaps Anoplognathus viridiaeneus
(King Christmas Beetle)

Above - A lot of beetles and bees where on these Angophora
hispida flowers

Above - Green-velvet Flower Chafer - Glycphana brunnipes

Above - Masked Bee - Hylaeus nubilosus

Above - Spotted Flower Chafer - Polystigma punctata

Above - Fiddler Beetle - Eupoecila australasiae

Above - Superb Fairy wren

Above - Small Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis leptochila

Above - Native Iris

Above - Skink

Above - Grevilea sp

Above - Angophora costata

Above - Angophora costata

Above - Cicada shell

Above - Skink

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Trigger Plant

Above - Variegated Fairy Wren (male)

Above - Variegated Fairy Wren (female or juvenile)

Above - Water Dragon

Above - Skink

Above - Lace Monitor

Above - Water Gums - Tristania sp

Above - Rock Warbler

Above - The Karloo Pool

Above - The Karloo Pool

Above - The Karloo Pool

Above - Kangaroo Creek

Above New Holland Honeyeater

Above - Harlequin Beetle

Above - Skink

Above - Wasp. This one seemed to be filling in a hole

Above - This other wasp seemed to be excavating a hole

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