Heathcote - Karloo pool and Return - Nature Walk - 7 December
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Another walk led by Brian Everingham for the National Parks
Association from Heathcote to the Karloo Pool and return. Thanks to
Bob Crombie, Brian Everingham and Su Li Sin for help with the id's.

Above - Near the start, this Angophora in flower was attracting bees
and also some beetles

Above - Brown Flower Beetles - Glycyphana stolata

Above - Spotted Flower Chafer - Neorrhina punctatum

Above - Club moss

Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum

Above - Trigger plant

Above - Omphalina umbrellifera

Above - Slender Yellow Eye - Xyris bracteata

Above - Hibbertia sp

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Drosera spatulata - Sundew, These carnivorous plants
have flowers on a long stem - they don't want to eat their

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Scribbly gum bark - Eucalyptus sclerophylla

Above - Grevillea sp

Above - A tiny native bee

Above - Baura microphylla?

Above - Angophora costata

Above - Sarsparilla - Smilax glyciphylla. If you chewed up
the leaves in your mouth - it produced an interesting effect.....

Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum

Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum

Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum

Above - Harlequin beetle

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylus erecta (flower not yet

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylus erecta (flower not yet

Above - Bullant and dead cicada

Above - The ants dragged the cicada back to their nest

Above - Sun orchid - this one has been long fertilised and the
flowers are now fruit.

Above - Kangaroo Creek

Above - Tristania nerifolia

Above - Tristania nerifolia

Above - The Karloo Pool. A great spot for a swim.

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - Fringe lily - Thysanotus tuberosus

Above - Persoonia laurina

Above - Back at the Angophora - lots more Brown Flower Beetle - Glycyphana

Above - Native bee

Above - Spotted Flower Chafer - Neorrhina punctatum
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