Kiama Coast Walk - Gerringong to Kiama - 16 October 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Above - the Graveyard at Gerringong - the start of the Coastal Walk.
I had walked there from the station.
Above - Looking north along the coast I saw this interesting sea
Above - The long stretch of Werri Beach
Above - The actual area between the flags was not very long, and
quite thin too
Above - Werri Beach
Above - Werri Lagoon
Above - Coastal walkers
Above - The track
Above - Looking back at Gerringong
Above - (Very small) patch of remnant rainforest
Above - The sea stack. You had to go off the track to see it. And if
walking north to south you would not know it was there.
Above - Coastal walkers
Above - Dykes
Above - Kiama Heights and Loves Bay
Above - Easts Beach
Above - Easts Beach
Above - The Little Blow Hole
Above - Kendalls Beach
Above - Surf Beach at Kiama
Above - Kendalls Beach and Surf Beach
Above - The Kiama Blowhole (not working - low tide)
Above - Kiama Lighthouse
A few days later I visited the other section of the Kiama
Coastal Walk - from Minnamurra to Kiama.
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