Thornleigh to Chatswood Walk - 19 May 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was a walk from Thornleigh Station via the Great North Walk
track through Lane Cove National Park to Fullers Bridge and then up
a track through Blue Gum Reserve to the back streets of Chatswood.
Then it was a short walk through another bush park to Chatswood
The fungi identifications here are only amateurish - and I would
appreciate any additions or corrections.

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Mycena austrofilopes

Above - Mycena austrofilopes

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Ramaria anziana

above - Coltricia australica

Above - Mycena epipterygia ?

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Sundew (Drosera spatulata)

Above - White fungus and Sundew (Drosera sp)

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Pulveroboletus aff. ravenelii

Above - Cortinarius archeri

Above - Armillaria sp

Above - Armillaria sp

Above - Armillaria sp

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Smooth barked apple (Angophora costata)
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