Leura - Katoomba Bushwalk - 8 November 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
On this walk, I was joined by John, Jasper and Martin. We walked
from Leura Cascades, and then around past The Amphitheatre to Ferny
Bower, and then down to Leura Forest. Next we continued along
Dardenelles Pass to the base of the Giant Stairway. Up to the Three
Sisters and then back to Leura Cascades via the Prince Henry Walk.

Above - Leura Cascades

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

Above - Jasper enjoys going down the steps

Above - At the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls

Above - The "Octopus Tree" in The Amphitheatre.

Above - Dracophyllum secundum

Above - Dillwynia sp

Above - On the track

Above - Linda Falls

Above - Jasper likes the bridges

Above - Marguerite Falls

Above - Goodenia decurrens

Above - Sticky Daisy-bush (Olearia elliptica)

Above - the first of the Three Sisters

Above - Cunningham's Skink

Above - Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Above - The skycrane was working hard putting out a bushfire near
Boars Head.

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

Above - Upper Leura Cascades
The next day - we headed to Kamarah Ridge at
Bell and then to Hassans Walls at Lithgow.
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