Leura - Katoomba Waterfall Walk - 22 March 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Bridal Veil Falls - the upper falls that make up Leura Falls

Above - Bridal Veil Falls - the upper falls that make up Leura Falls

Above - Bridal Veil Falls - the upper falls that make up Leura Falls

Above - Weeping Rock Falls

Leura Falls - The lower waterfall

Above - The Octopus Tree

Above - Lila Falls

Above - Linda Falls

Above - Leura Falls - The lower waterfall

Above - Marguerite Cascades (lower third)

Above - Marguerite Cascades (middle third)

Above - Marguerite Cascades (upper third)

Above - Veras Grotto Falls

Above - Veras Grotto Falls

Katoomba Falls

Above - Katoomba Falls - middle cascades

Above - Mt Solitary and Jamison Valley

Above - Katoomba Falls - middle cascades and upper fall

Above - Katoomba Falls - middle cascades

Above - Katoomba Falls - middle cascades and upper fall

Above - View from the top - Reids Plateau. Showing Katoomba Falls,
Wally World and The Three Sisters

Above - Orphan Rock

Above - Katoomba Falls - middle cascades and upper fall

Above - Katoomba Falls - lower fall

Above - T storm over the lower Blue Mts - from the train home
On the day, I also took photos of fungi - they
are on this page.
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