Kings Tableland - Lion Head - Kedumba Campground - Kedumba
Pass Walk - 25 June 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Walkers - Bob, Dave

Above - Mt Solitary from Double Hill

Above - Looking to the Southern Blue Mountains

Above - Jamison Valley

Above - Bob admiring the view

Above - Rainbow

Above - Mt Solitary and Kedumba Farm (now Kedumba Campground)

Above - cliffs near Wentworth Falls

Above - Bob reading the logbook at the top of the Lion Head Pass

Above - Mt Solitary (The Col) from Kedumba Farm

Above - Kedumba Pass

Above - Cliffs

Above - Lion Head on the right. The pass is slightly right of the
middle of the photo.

Above - Kedumba Creek

Above - Kangaroo

Above - Maxwells old slab hut at Kedumba

Above - Lion Head
We exited via Kedumba Pass and then a shortcut at the top to get
back to the Kings Tableland Rd.
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