Lockleys Pylon - Blue Gum Forest Walk - 21 - 23 June 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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This was a photographic trip with David Hufton. We walked out from
the Mt Hay Road to Lockleys Pylon where we camped the first night.
Then we descended to Blue Gum Forest, where we camped at Acacia
Flat. The next day we climbed back up to Lockleys Pylon and back to
the car.

Above - A nice rocky viewpoint on the way to Lockleys Pylon

Above - Looking towards Fortress Creek from Lockleys Pylon

Above - Fortress Creek Falls

Above - Mt Hay

Above - The Grose Valley

Above - Mt Banks

Above - Mt Banks

Above - Dawn

Above - Pulpit Rock

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