Manly to Milsons Point Walk - 26 October 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Above - Chinamans Beach

Above - Balmoral Beach

Above - North Head

Above - Artillery - Georges Head

Above - Sculpture - Georges Head

Above - Chowder Bay

Above - Kookaburra

Above - The Manly Ferry

Above - Chowder Bay

Above - Booraghee Lighthous - Bradleys Head

Above - HMAS Sydney mast

Above - Bees nest in the tree. A water dragon climbs up the tree

Above - the water dragon ate quite a few bees. The bees seemed
oblivious to the water dragon.

Above - heron

Above - fig tree

Above - a castle with a rood top garden?

Above - Milson Park

Above - Jacarandas - Milsons Point
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