Middle Harbour Creek Walk - 17 August 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
We started our walk from the end of Kitchener St, St Ives (which we
reached by bus and then a short walk). It started with a fire road
walk to the Cascades, then track all the way to Davidson Park near
Roseville Bridge. Most of our walk was in Garigal National Park.
Above - Bob on the trail near the start
Above - Scribbly Gum
Above - Boronia
Above - Looking down our valley
Above - Grevillea
Above - Grevillea
Above - Dotted Sun Orchid
Above - Grevillea
Above - Hibbertia
Above - Boronia
Above - Boronia
Above - The Cascades - a rocky area at the junction of two creeks
Above - The Cascades
Above - The Cascades
Above - The Cascades
Above - The Cascades
Above - The Cascades
Above - Aboriginal art?
Above - Brush Turkey
Above - This short section of the track was "assisted"
Above - This pipeline marks the tidal limit
Above - Easy walking close to Davidson Park and Roseville Bridge
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