Blue Mountains Weekend - 21-22 December 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
John, Jasper, Keith and myself went for a nice walk at Blackheath
Centennial Glen - Collier Causeway - Porters Pass - Blackheath -
22 December 2013

Above - Keith, John, with Jasper, heading down into Centennial Glen

Above - Xyrus ustulata

Above - Hybanthus monopetalus

Above - Goodenia

Above - Tea Tree (Leptospermum)

Above - on the track to Centennial Glen

Above - waterfall and plunge pool in Centennial Glen Canyon

Above - John and Jasper on the Colliers Causeway Track

Above - old nests of paper wasps fallen onto the ground

Above - nests of paper wasps

Above - we met up with Chuin Nee, Chris and Susie at Celebrity Crag.
Here John in on a climb.

Above - Jasper likes playing in the creek

Above - there were thousands of these orange wasps both here at
Porters Pass and also at the bottom of Centennial Glen. They did not
sting us - but we had to walk through clouds of them.

Above - Dianella

Above - Porters Pass

Above - Trigger Plant (Stylidium productum)
We then farewelled Chris and Susie, and on the way down the
mountains called in to Glenbrook and walked down to Glenbrook Gorge for a swim. It was
very hot - around 40°C.
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