Mugii Murum-ban 9 - 11 March 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave
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The photos are continued on this

Above - ruins of an old miners cottage at the New Hartley Oil Shale

Above - This cottage was built by Germans and has a bread oven

Above - Tayan Pic and Genowlan Point

Above - An old mine

Above - Tower used for ventilation of the mine

Above - more mining ruins

Above - Old boiler. This was used fro the winding motor to pull up
the skips

Above - Skips were pulled up this old tramway. At first it went
through a defile at the top and then down to Torbane. Later a tunnel
was built.

Above - A track continues up to this nice lookout

Above - On the way back down the tramway - a view of the Rockbottom
climbing area

Above - Tayan Pic

Above - Genowlan Point

Above - The crags of Rockbottom

Above - Our campsite at Airly Gap

Above - View from Airly Turret

Above - Mt Airly

Above - Wilderness Canyon

Above - We only continued down the canyon a short way. I think there
used to be a ladder to get down here.

Above - Aboriginal art (boomerang)

Above - a road has been bulldozed right through the art cave

Above - hand stencil

Above - hand stencil

Above - Looking towards Genowlan Trig

Above - Wendy walking towards Genowlan Point

Above - Who has been digging here? An echidna?

Above - Genowlan Point

Above - The last bit is a special place

Above - View north

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