North Head Walk - 9 December 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Eastern Water Dragon Intellagama lesueurii

Above - Rock platform near Shelly Beach

Above - Shelly Beach

Above - Eastern Water Dragon Intellagama lesueurii lesueurii

Above - Little Wattlebird -Anthochaera chrysoptera

Above - Banksia trunk

Above - Casurina

Above - Casurina

Above - Beetle on a Eucalypt flower

Above - Fringe Lily - Thysanotus tuberosus

Above - Drosera sp

Above - Beetle on Grevillea sp

Above - Beetle on Grevillea sp

Above - Beetle on Grevillea sp

Above - Banksia sp

Above - Banksia sp

Above - There are lots of old artillery artefacts on North Head

Above - Hazy view from Fairfax Lookout

Above - Looking towards South Head and the City

Above - Looking towards South Head

Above - Sydney Harbour

Above - Sun Orchid Fruit

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Collins Beach
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