Orang Utan Pass - Blue Gum Forest Walk - 11 November 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
We started from the Hat Hill Ridge parking area.

Above - The first thing we found was these remains of an old hermits

Above - Waratahs are still out

Above - A good lookout at the cliffline

Above - In the gully - near the pass

Above - the pass involves traversing along this thin exposed ledge.

Above - The exposed section is only a few metres long

Above - And then you reach this cave with an old logbook

Above - Looking up the valley to Pulpit Rock

Above - Bob in the cave
We then scrambled down to the base of the cliffs, and down to the
track on Govetts Leap Creek. We then walked down to Blue Gum Forest
for lunch.

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - View from Perrys Lookdown - Mt Banks and the Grose Valley

Above - Goodenia sp
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