PBT - 29 September - 1 October 2007
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission
The PBT is the President's Bludge Trip - held every October Long Weekend by Sydney Univerisity Bushwalkers (SUBW)
Party - Tom M (president and trip organiser), Tom G, Mitch, Alex, Rach, Dave N, Dave N, Dave L,
Nicole, Martine, Jo, Alicia, Marina, Maria-Christina, Ashley, Martin,
Steffy, Geoff, Dave, Merry, Yves, Tom, Lana, Kim, Tina, Albert, Sabs,
Cameron, Marcelle, Dan, Rob, Roger, Jay, Peter R, Peter H, Nazzih,
Ricarda, Peter, James, Ben

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