SUBW - President's Bludge Trip - 5-7 Oct 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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The PBT is the SUBW President's Bludge Trip - a walk that goes to
the Kowmung River on the October Long Weekend. This year club
president Emma led the walk down the Bullhead Range to the Kowmung
River and then through the Bulga Denis Canyon to Orange Bluff and
out via Brumby Ridge.

Above - starting out along Kanangra Walls

Above - Tom and Albert admiring the view

Above - Kanangra Deep

above - some of the party

Above - most of the party

Above - at the Coal Seam Cave

Above - setting up camp on the Kowmung River

Above - Platypus Reach on the Kowmung River

Above - Kowmung River

Above - around the campfire

Above - Kowmung River

Above - Christies Creek

Above - Kowmung River

Above - Red Belly Black snake

Above - heading down through the Bulga Denis Canyon

Above - Kowmung River

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