Centennial Glen - Colliers Causeway - Porters Pass - 20 October
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
It was a wet day in the mountains - so we headed to a walk that
offered some shelter in caves along the way. We started from the
Christian School at Blackheath and walked down the track to Fort

Above - View from near Fort Rock. You can see on the right the track
we used for the return leg.

Above - Bob in Centennial Glen looking up at the rock climbs

Above - Centennial Glen Falls

Above - Centennial Glen Falls

Above - The falls, lower down in the Grotto - a short section of

Above - Slippery Dip Falls

Above - Bob on the Colliers Causeway Track

Above - Waratah

Above - Colliers Causeway

Above - an old drinking trough at the bottom of Porters Pass

Above - It was now raining steadily, so we stopped for lunch in this

Above - on top of Porters Pass

Above - Walking back to Fort Rock

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