Red Rocks Walk - 19 - 20 July 2008
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - Albert Chetcuti, Kim Le, Mary Merlo, Dave Noble

Above - We headed up onto the tops via this interesting canyon

Above - Albert admires the canyon

Above - Kim and Albert scrambling up through the canyon

Above - Kim climbs up

Above - Looking back down the canyon

Above - Mary and Albert on the tops

Above - Mary and Kim on the tops

Above - Albert looks across a cleft in the ridge

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - Dusk

Above - Dusk

Above - Complex country - a series of cliffs and pagodas

Above - Our campsite

Above - Mountains to the north

Above - View south towards Mt Dawson

Above - Cliffs

Above - the campsite

Above - Kim scrambling while Mary takes a photo

Above - Exposed scrambling

Above - then more fun - scrambling up the Pagoda of Death

Above - on the pagodas

Above - Mary

Above - Mary

Above - pinnacle

Above - Mary makes a leap of faith

Above - Albert on a pedestal

Above - More great views

Above - Looking back down towards the Wolgan

Above - Mt Dawson

Above - Albert in the Love Tunnel

Above - Ross's Knob

Above - Mary takes a photo

Above - detail

Above - Ross's Knob

Above - our descent was via this dry canyon

Above - below the canyon
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