Red Rocks Walk - 22 - 23 September 2007
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - John, Chuin Nee, Dave F, Martin, Steffy, Kim, Mitch, Dan,
Alicia, Jo, Dave N and Ashley and Kendy joined us at the campsite
With some birthdays to celebrate it was a good time to go to Newnes and walk up onto the Red Rocks.
Page 1 - Saturday
Page 2 - Sunday - Can be found here

Above - Martin, John, Chuin Nee, Steffy and Dan on the clifftop

Above - Kim admires the view while Martin and Steffy admire each other

Above - Cliffs

Above - Pagodas

Above - Pagodas

Above - Alicia and Dan on a Pagoda

Above - Pagodas

Above - Mitch takes it easy.....

Above - Fractured rock

Above - Fractured rock

Above - Descending from a pagoda

Above - John on a pagoda

Above - Pagodas

Above - We find this nice crack

Above - Looking down the crack

Above - Digi Dave in the crack

Above - pagodas

Above - Descending the "Pagoda of Death"

Above - Some of the party on the "Pagoda of Death"

Above - Pantoneys Crown

Above - Sandstone formation

Above - Cliffs and pinnacles

Above - pagodas

Above - Rock formations at dusk

Above - Rock formations at dusk

Above - Dusk

Above - Dusk, Pantoneys Crown

Above - Dusk, Pantoneys Crown

Above - Dusk, Pantoneys Crown

Above - Rock formation

Above - Some of the party enjoy wine and cheese and the sunset
Continue to Sunday
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