Red Rocks Walk - 26 - 27 September 2009

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Page 3  - Sunday - Dawn

I got up at an early hour to see if there was a good sunrise.

Above - first light on Pantoneys Crown

Above - Looking north - Mt Canobla and Mt Gundungaroo in the Capertee Valley near Glen Davis

Above - Tayan Pic

Above - "The Anvil"

Above - Rolling hills - Capertee Valley

Above - Pantoneys Crown

Above - "The Room"

Above - "The Pagoda of Death"

Above - Rock formations

Above - Rock orchid in flower

Above - A birds nest - probably a lyre bird.

Above - My friend Julie was also celebrating her birthday (on the Saturday!). She is living in France and unable to make it along - so I carried along a "Julie doll" mascot - so we would not forget that it was her birthday too!

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