Royal National Park - The Northern Coastline - 11-12 September
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Above - Perhaps a Lewin's Rail
Above - New tarckwork near Little Marley
Above - Little Marley Lagoon
Above - Marley Beach
Above - Sea Eagle with escort (Raven)
Above - Black Fronted Dotterel
Above - Sand dunes and Marley Lagoon. Also visible are 5 feral deer.
Above - Marley Point
Above - Aboriginal engraving
Above - Dillwynia floribunda
Above - Boronia ledifolia
Above - A gulp of Cormorants heading south
Above - Boronia ledifolia
Above - Sprengelia incarnata
Above - Sprengelia incarnata
Above - Sprengelia incarnata
Above - Shame!!!
Above - Wattlebird
Above - Native Iris
Above - The city - under a pall of smoke from hazard reduction
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