Royal National Park - 25 March 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
This was a short trip with Digi Dave to photograph National Falls.
After that we went to Bola Creek.

Above - National Falls - the upper fall

Above - National Falls - the lower fall

Above - National Falls - the upper fall

Above - National Falls - the lower fall

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Coral Fungi (Ramaria sp)

Above - Pineapple Bolette (Boletellus ananas)

Above - Coral Fungi (Calvulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Calvulina cinerea)

Above - Lactarius clarkeae

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Lichen

Above - Trumpet Fungi - Horn of Plenty (Craterellus

Above - Clavulina cristata

Above - Trumpet Fungi - Horn of Plenty (Craterellus

Above - Trumpet Fungi - Horn of Plenty (Craterellus

Above - Clavaria alboglobospora

Above - Trumpet Fungi (Pseudocraterellus sinuosus?)

Above - Trumpet Fungi (Pseudocraterellus sinuosus?)

Above - Russula sp

Above - Lyrebird

Above - Austropaxillus infundibuliformis

Above - moss

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Mycena sp
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