SUBW 60th Anniversary Dinner - 21 October 2006

Above - Ross Bradstock, Peter Woof and Ian Hickson

Left - (R-L) Martin Haley, Moya Haley, Rose Maxwell, Keith Maxwell, John Atkinson
Right - (L-R) Graeme Milton, Ian Wilson, Airdrie Long, ?

Above - Martin Haley, Moya Haley, Rose Maxwell, Keith Maxwell, John Atkinson

Above - Ian Hickson, Michael Donovan

Above - Penny Dorsch, Louise de Beuzeville

Above - Nick Murray, Arwen Sutton, Sally Partridge

Above - Michael Maack, Shila, Bronwyn Collins, David Oslington

Above - Stephanie Goodrick, Alex Debono, Jodie Cronin, Matthew Carol

Above - Don Cameron, Tara Geldard, Doug Wheen, Michael Dougherty, Ashley Burke, Kendy Burke, Pip Walsh

Above - Kate Lord talking

Above - Keith Maxwell, Ross Bradstock, John Atkinson, Ian Wilson, Rachel Melrose

Above - Richard Wood (one of them), Lousie de Beuzeville, Alex Debono

Above - Sabrina Cascio, David Carmichael, Wendy Au, Loren, Catherine, Juri

Above - Cameron Schmelitschek, Albert Chetcuti, Imke, Marcelle Gannon, Louisa Ngeow, Mal McLeod, Roger Butler

Above - Roger Butler, Dan, ?, Peter Harvey, Jo Boyd, James Bevan

Above - Ashley Burke

Above - Tom Murtagh, Rachel Melrose, Kate Lord

Above - Matthew Carol, Jodie Cronin

Above - Mal McLeod, Wendy Au

Above - Tom Mactier, Lana Gez

Above - rachel Melrose, Jiri, Catherine
and - later at the pub.....

Continue to the daywalk at Royal National Park on Sunday 22 October
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