Sassafras Gully Walk - 17 April 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
It had been many years since I had walked the tracks of Sassafras
Gully near Springwood. On this walk - I started from Faulconbridge
and walked down the Victory Track top Glenbrook Creek and then
exited via Magdala Creek to Springwood.

Above - ferns

Above - nice slabs in the creekbed

Above - creek detail

Above - fungi

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Red Triangle slug

Above - moss

Above - fungi

Above - Numantia Falls

Above - creek detail

Above - interesting rock formation - Glenbrook Creek

Above - Glenbrook Creek

Above - the large swimming hole at the junction of Sassafras and
Glenbrook Creeks

Above - Sassafras Creek at the junction

Above - Glenbrook Creek

Above - colourful small fungi

Above - Glenbrook Creek

Above - Martins Falls in Magdala Creek

Above - Magdala Creek

Above - the track heading up to Springwood

Above - Coral fungi
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