Splendour Rock Walk - 4-5 February 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Party - Helen, Cathy, Peggy, Albert, Crystal, Mary, Dave
This was a SUBW walk led by Helen.

Above - crossing the style at the Dunphy Camping Area

Above - heading down Carlons Creek - lots of nettles and lots of

Above - crossing Breakfast Ck

Above - Cathy crossing Breakfast Creek - it was high and you had to
be careful

Above - Narrow Neck from the top of Blackhorse Range

Above - the girls do some navigation

Above - on the track

Above - Mary on the Wombat Parade on the side of Mt Warrigal

Above - time to de-leech

Above - lichen encrusted rock

Above - Banksia serrata

Above - Mary on the pass up Mt Merri-merrigal

Above - sapplings

Above - on the Playground of the Dingos

Above - Peggy, Cathy, Crystal, Mary and Albert

Above - Yellow Pup from Splendour Rock

Above - Mt Paralyser

Above - Mt Strongleg and Kanangra Walls

Above - Mt Heartbreaker

Above - Peggy spots a nice Goanna

Above - looking into the Blue Breaks

Above - Looking at the High Gangerang Range
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