Brooklyn - Great North Walk - Cowan (with a visit to Taffys
Rock) - 13 July 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave

Above - Looking down at the railway line near Brooklyn

Above - Bob at Brooklyn Dam

Above - The Hawkesbury River

Above - Bob on the Great North Walk track

Above - Hawkesbury River

Above - We had lunch at this nice lookout overlooking Cowan Creek
and Jerusalem Bay

Above - Bob at the first of two old trig stations on the way out to
Taffys Rock.

Above - On the ridge

Above - Bob at the second trig. These were roughly 1/3 of the way
out and 2/3 of the way out to Taffys Rock. We followed a reasonable
track to the rock.

Above - Plaque at Taffys Rock. Taffy Townson died on the Overland
Track in Tasmania after being bitten by a tiger snake.

Above - Some of the great views from Taffys Rock. This shows Lion

Above - Panorama shot showing Lion Island, West Head and Cowan Creek

Above - Taffys Rock

Above - Bob spotted a set of aboriginal engravings

Above - And we spotted more on the ridge on the way back to the main

Above - Looking back at Taffys Rock

Above - Jerusalem Bay

Above - Bob on the track at Jerusalem Bay

Above - Jerusalem Bay

Above - On the way up to Cowan
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