Wattamolla Photo Walk - 21 February 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was an activity organised by Brian Everingham for the National
Parks Association of NSW.
Party - Brian, Ken, Gary, John, Digi Dave, Roger, Col, Suzanne, Dave

Above - Wattamolla Beach

Above - Wattamolla Lagoon

Above - Wattamolla Falls - not that impressive with low waterflow

Above - Pied Butcher Bird

Above - White Browed Scrub Wren

Above - Whip Bird

Above - Wattle Birds

Above - Ken, Col and Gary

Above - Banksia serrrata

Above - Coastal cliffs

Above - female Orchard Swallowtail

Above - Water Dragon

Above - Water Dragon

Above - Water Dragon

Above - Lewins Honeyeater

Above - Superb Fairy Wren (male)

Above - Superb Fairy Wren (female)

Above - Crested Pigeon

Above - Heath Monitor

Above - Golden Whistler

Above - New Holland Honeyeater

Above - Water Dragon

Above - Beautiful Firetail

Above - Eastern Yellow Robin

Above - Water Striders

Above - Cunninghams Skink

Above - Digi Dave, Ken and John

Above - New Holland Honeyeater
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