Wentworth Falls Walk - 11 July 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1
Page 2 can be found here.
This was a walk to photograph some of the waterfalls close to
Wentworth Falls. I started from the station and walke down the
Chalres Darwin Track to Wentworth Falls, then along the first bit of
the National Pass Track. Then down Slack Stairs to the bas e of the
lower set of Wentworth Falls. Next was a sidetrip down to Hipocrene
Falls. Thne along the Wentworth Pass Track to the Valley of the
Waters. Climbing out, I walked back via the Overcliff Track back to
Wentworth Falls and retraced my steps along the Charles Darwin Track
back to the villiage.
Charles Darwin Track

National Pass

Above - The upper of the two Wentworth Falls

Wentworth Pass

Above - The lower of the two Wentworth Falls

Valley of the Waters

Above - Empress Falls

The photos are continued on page
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