Woronora Walk - 10 July 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Route - Waterfall - Bullawarring Track - Kingfisher Pool - Goanna
Track - Boobera Track - Kingdom Come - Pipeline Trail - Lake
Eckersley - Battery Causeway - Mirang Pool - Friendly Track -

Above - lots of nice angophoras on this walk

Above - banksia

Above - one of several cascades just above the Kingfisher Pool

Above - the cascade flows under these holes in the streambed

Above - more cascades

Above - the Kingfisher Pool. I didn't see any kingfishers, but there
were lots of other birds around

Above - Gymea Lily

Above - small cascade near the pipeline access road

Above - Woronora River just below Kingdom Come (Boobera Pool)

Above - campsite at Kingdom Come

Above - old signs at the campsite

Above - Woronora River

Above - the pipeline

Above - Lake Eckersley

Above - the Battery Causeway

Above - more cascades, near the Mirang Pool

Above - Mirang Pool

Above - grevillea

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