Yodellers Area - Photos
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission

Above - Dusk - The Yodellers Range from Nullo Mountain

Above - Moose in the Jungfrau

Above - The Auguille du Schooner

Above - The Auguille du Schooner

Above - View north from the Schooner looking towards the Un-Named peak
and the Blue Yodeller

Above - Valley mist from a high camp on the Un-named Peak

Above - Watts Mountain

Above - Watts Mountain

Above - Watts Mountain - the route goes up the arete. Mt Morgan in the

Above - Chris Cosgrove on Watts Mountain looking at Wedding Cake

Above - Wedding Cake Mountain

Above - Wedding Cake Mountain

Above - Wedding Cake Mountain

Above - Wedding Cake Mountain - dawn

Above - Wedding Cake Mountain - dusk

Above - Tyndale peak - the third summit of Wedding Cake Mtn

Above - The Pile of Poop and behind it the Christmas Pudding. Our
original (1970's) route was up the steep gully/chimney on the rib on
the front left of the Pile. We then scrambled up the face to the
summit. In 2005 - we found a new way up out of the chasm on the left.

Above - One of the Cats Ears

Above - The causeway to the Christmas Pudding

Above - Mt Morgan from the Christmas Pudding

Above - Mt Morgan from the valley at dusk

Above - Wedding Cake Mtn, Pile of Poop and Christmas Pudding from Mt

Above - Wedding Cake Mtn, Pile of Poop and Christmas Pudding from Mt

Above - Watts Mtn, Wedding Cake Mtn, Pile of Poop and Christmas Pudding
from Mt Morgan

Above - Watts Mtn and Wedding Cake Mtn from Minaret Peak

Above - The Stockade and behind the Yodellers from Nullo Mountain

Above - the Yodellers from Nullo Mtn