South Wolgan Canyoning - 27 July 2008

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission

Party - Chuin Nee, John, Ching Ching, Rob, Digi Dave, iDave

We visited two canyons on this cool winter day

Canyon 1

Above - Digi Dave on the first abseil

Above - Ching Ching on the second abseil

Above - Digi Dave and Rob continue on through this narrow section of canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - Ching Ching on the third abseil

Above - Fine views back on the tops again

Canyon 2

This was conveniently close to the first canyon

Above - Walking in via this interesting area of pagodas

Above - John on the second abseil

Above - Rob cooks a jaffle. We had lunch in this nice cave that provided a spectacular window into the Wolgan Valley

Above - Meanwhile - Pam, in another party, on the third abseil

Above - Pam on the third abseil

Above - Ching Ching on the forth abseil

Above - Dusk

Above - Dusk - and the insulator from an old telegraph system

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