Coorongooba Labyrinth Canyoning - 27 - 31 December 2009

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Page 2

We left the second canyon and then went up a larger creek. On the way we explored a number of side creeks

Above - A short section of canyon in the first side creek we explored

Above - Looking up the side canyon

Above - the side canyon

Above - Rik trying to avoid the canker

Above - Impressive cliffs

Above - On the way back down, Rik spotted these aboriginal hand stencils in the cave near the canyon

Above - In the aboriginal art cave

Above - Lower down the side canyon, Rik also found some more art in this cave

Above - very faint partial hand stencils

Above - We then continued up the larger creek - the going was slow with lots of canker.

Above - slow going - to avoid the canker

Above - more very faint aboriginal art - hand stencil

Above - Rik in the cave

Above - this partial stencil was quite clear

Above - More creek canker......

Above - Another small side canyon. We then climbed out of the creek onto a ridge system to camp

Above - Rik and Steffy on the ridge admiring the view

Above - dusk

Above - dusk

Above - around the campfire

Above - Moon and sunlit clouds

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