Wollemi Canyoning - 29 - 30 January 2011

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Rik, John, Chuin Nee, Alan, Megan, Dave N (jnr), Mark, Carsten, Dave N (snr).


We spent two days in Wollemi National Park. On the saturday - we went off exploring for new canyons. We went through some great country - but the three creeks we explored all turned out to be only poor quality canyons.

Photos for the Sunday can be found on this page

Above - John under a natural arch

Above - cliffs

Above - down our first creek - Rik found these aboriginal charcoal drawings. But we found only very poor canyon.

Above - the party in the cave with the aboriginal art

Above - on the tops - nice views

Above - it sure was interesting rugged country

We then explored two more creeks - and only find low quality canyon. Below whwere the creeks joined - there was another short section of canyon

Above - Dave N (jnr) on the abseil

Above - Carsten on the abseil

Above - hmm.... what is lurking in the leaves?

Above spots something

Above -so does Carsten

Above - and Mark

Above - Its a death adder. John waits for it to settle down. There is not much room to get past!

Above - Carsten does some nature photography

Above - lower down - fine cliffs.

The next day - we head off to visit a well known canyon - one that is quite cool with lots of swims. The photos are on this page.

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