Hat Hill Canyon - 23 December 2011

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Bob, Dave

Above - Bob about to enter the first constriction

Above - Bob in the first constriction

Above - Hat Hill Creek

Above - Bob at the second constriction

On a previous trip - many years ago, when the sewage plant was operating upstream - when we got to this section we found a wall of foam (from detergent) - about 3m high and 10m long that we had to swim through - yuk!

Above - small coral fungi

Above - Hat Hill Creek

Above - at the start of the third constriction

Above - natural arches in a small side canyon that joins Hat Hill Creek at the end of the third constriction

Above - ferns

We then went back up through the third constriction and then climbed out

Above - sunbeams

Above - no sunbeams

Above - rock formation on the tops

Above - fringe lily

Above - Looking back at Hat Hill Creek and the Grose Valley

Above - rock formation

After this canyon we went to Wentworth Falls and had a quick trip through Empress Canyon

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