Jugglers and Grand Canyons - 30 October 2011
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Mitch, Dave
Above - native iris
Above - ferns
Above - Mitch on the way to Jugglers Canyon
Above - Mitch on the first abseil
Above - Mitch in the canyon below the second abseil
Above - climbing down to the last abseil
Above - canyon formation
Above - the last abseil
Above - looking back up the last abseil
Above - walking up the Grand Canyon track
Above - abseiling into the Grand Canyon
Above - in the Grand Canyon
Above - canyon formation
Above - ferns
Above - canyon formation
Above - below the swim at the end of the canyon, it is possible to
climb up some old stairs hewn into the sidewall
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - great views of the Grose Valley on the track out
Above - we enoy the views at Point Pilcher
Above - the Grose Valley
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