Rocky Creek Canyon - 26 January 2011 (Australia Day)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Albert, Digi Dave, Col, Martin, Steffy, Ellen, Dave, Mitch,
Enmoore, Su Li, Stacey, Meri, Dave N
Page 2
These pictures are continued from this page.
Above - cobwebs and ferns
Above - canyon formation
Above - our party starts to move through
Above - Enmoore and Steffy in the canyon
Above - next come Col and Stacey
Above - Stacey, Col, Steffy and Enmoore
Above - Mitch coming next
Above - Martin and Mitch join us
Above - Meri, Dave and Albert
Above - heading into the final part of the canyon - a long swim
Above - more sun beams
Above - canyon formation
Above - heading back upstream, Mitch, Steffy, Enmoore and Col.
Above - Mitch, Steffy, Enmoore, Col and Stacey
Above - Stacey
Above - Martin
Above - falling droplets
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