Northern Blue Mountains Canyoning - 26 - 31 December 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Day 4
Above - Su Li negotiating scrub (water gums - tristania) and
boulders in the creekbed
Above - climbing out of the creek
Above - looking back into the creek
More scrubby walking was needed to get into our next canyon. We
arrive shortly after lunch.
Above - looking down the second abseil
Above - Su Li on the second abseil. Paul watches.
Above - Rik on the third abseil
Above - the party - Paul, Su Li, Sarah and Rob
Above - Rik on the abseil
Above - Paul on the third abseil
Above - Sarah
Above - Su Li
Above - Rob and Rik continue down the canyon - a very deep and
impressive gorge
We camp at the end of the canyon and again we see a lot of firefly
bettles at night.
Day 5
We split up on this day. Sarah, Paul and Rob head down a large gorge
while Rik, Su Li and myself head out via a shorter route - but
across a scrubby plateau.
Above - we find a new aboriginal art site. Here you can see the
faint hand print of a child.
Above - another hand print
Above - the art site
Above - nearby country - still very rugged
Above - our last camp - on this nice sandbank
Day 6
Above - pool near our campsite
Above - skink
Above - we climb out of this gorge and meet up with the rest of the
party on the ridge above
Above - rock formation
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