Dalpura Canyon - 2 December 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Stu, Enmoore, Dave
Above - Another party (of friends) was at the abseil. Here Ken
watches his wife Aine abseiling
Above - now Lowan watches Ken abseiling
Above - Stu on the abseil
Above - Enmoore on the abseil
Above - a nice bit of canyon
Above - the light was changing.....
Above - further down the canyon
Above - Enmoore in the canyon
Above - Dracophylum
Above - Stu and Enmoore onthe pagodas on the exit ridge
Above - Stu
Above - Goodenia bellidifolia
Above - beetle on a Flannel Flower (Actinotus helianthi)
Above - small mountain dragon
Above - Banksia truncata
Above - Isopogon fletcheri?
(perhaps a hybrid - it had both branched and unbranced leaves)
After the canyon we headed to Blackheath for apple pies at Logan
Brae Orchid and then headed out to
Jugglers canyon at Medlow Bath
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