Kalang Falls - 22 December 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Stacey, Ben, Si Li, Asaph, Megan, Dave
We had originally intended to visit Danae Brook - but when we woke
up on saturday morning - the weather at Kanangra was a bit
uncertain. It was misty and it had rained overnight. We though that
Kalang Falls may be a wiser option.

Above - Su Li at Echo Head Lookout - thick mist

Above - below the mist - heading down to the first abseil

Above - the first abseil

Above - great views of Thurat Spires

Above - Ben on the second abseil

Above - Megan on the third abseil

Above - Ben assisting Megan at the top of the fourth abseil

Above - Asaph on the fourth abseil

Above - the old logbook container at the top of the fifth abseil
(and one of the two large abseils in the canyon)

Above - Kanangra Walls

Above - Megan on the fourth abseil

Above - Stacey on the fourth abseil

Above - Ben on the fourth abseil

Above - Su Li and Stacey

Above - Asaph on the fifth abseil

Above - Megan on the fifth abseil

Above - Ben on the fifth abseil

Above - Stacey on the fifth abseil

Above - Stacey at the pool below the fifth abseil

Above - fractal leaf
We then did a couple of short abseils (both of which can be walked

Above - Stace yon the ramp abseil

Above - Asaph and Megan

Above - Su Li on the first of the two abseils on the large waterfall

Above - Su Li

Above - Su Li on the second of the two abseils on the large

Above - Asaph on the second of the two abseils on the large

Above - Ben on the first of the two abseils on the large waterfall

Above - we find this abandoned pack. It contains a long rope - Ben
carried the rope out and later hands it in to Katoomba Police

Above - Ben on the last abseil

Above - Asaph on the last abseil

Above - red cedar on the way out

Above - Kanangra country

Above - Kanangra Walls

Above - Ben and Megan at the lookout

Above - looking north-east

Above - Plague Soldier Beetle, Chauliognathus lugubris near
our campsite
Continue to photos of our
Sunday canyon - Danae Brook
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