Canyoning at Newnes - 7 - 8 January 2012
Day 2 - Newnes Canyon
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Su Li, Brent, Martin, Steffy, Danny, Enmoore, Dave

Above - sunbeams

Above - Enmoore on the abseil

Above - in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - Su Li

Above - canyon formation

Above -a lyre bird in the canyon

Above - looking at the lyre bird

Above - glow worms in the Amazing Wallaby Tunnel

Above - Enmoore

Above - Brent bridges to stay dry

Above - in the Amazing Wallaby Tunnel

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - Su Li bridging

Above - Martin in the canyon

Above - small water dragon

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - at the end of the canyon

Above - Su Li wandering up a small side canyon - Upside Down Canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - continuing down the gorge

Above - walking back to Newnes

Above - walking back to Newnes
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