Surefire Canyon - 20 October 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Dan, Sharon, Gabe, Mica, Dave
Page 1 of 2
The photos are continued on this
page. The next day we visited Galah
This is a classic South Wolgan canyon. It was almost exactly 36
years since the first descent.

Above - at an old drill site above Surefire Canyon. This hole is
very deep!

Above - this looks like the Tea Tree I had found on the Colo back in
the 80's - Leptospermum
spectabile - but that species is only suppsoed to growing
along the boulders near the river. Here it was growing on top of the
cliffs above the canyon. As well as red flowers, there were pink
flowers and white flowers (see below)
Thanks to Roger Lembit - according to him they are the red form of Leptospermum macrocarpum - this fits in with
the pink and white flowers close by.

Above - the same species?

Above - Gabe on the second abseil

Above - Mica on the second abseil

Above - Sharon on the second abseil

Above - Sharon

Above - Mica and Sharon

Above - we continue down the canyon

Above - Dan above the third abseil

Above - Sharon on the jumble of logs above the third abseil

Above - Mica and Dan

Above - Dan at the bottom of the third abseil

Above - Mica gets ready to abseil

Above - the party in a nice section of canyon - Sharon, Gabe, Mica
and Dan

Above - looking down what used to be the fourth abseil. When I first
visited the canyon, a large horizontal log jammed up the canyon here
- and you had to abseil or jump off the end of it. Later the log
tilted down and it is now easy to scramble down. But can you see a
snake swimming in the pool?

Above - canyon formation

Above - Mica

Above - the snake - an Eastern Brown - it was very cold!

Above - ferns

Above - what has Dan spotted now?

Above - some type of skink?

Above - it had quite a spiky tail
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