Canyoning in the gardens of Stone - 8 Jan 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
Bob was keen to do a canyon and so was I. We headed up the mountains
to see what the weather was like. We were greeted by cool
temperatures, mist and light rain. So we kept on heading west and
decided to head to the Gardens of Stone where the weather may be a
little better. It was. We had almost no rain.
Above - Bob on the firetrail heading towards the canyon
Above - in the canyon
Above - Bob on the first abseil
Above - canyon formation. The canyon has cut a slot at quite an
oblique angle here.
Above - a tricky downclimb
Above - the canyon is quite narrow - and this allows you to bridge
to avoid getting wet feet.
We finish the canyon with one more abseil and then head to a nearby,
and very convenient pass back up through the cliffs. The pass out is
quite a spectacular slot in its own right - but easy to walk up.
Above - looking down at our exit slot
Above - intricate and delicate rocky tops of the Gardens of Stone
Above - looking down into our canyon. At this point it changes from
one joint controlled slot to another.
Above - nearby cliffs
Above - on the way back we saw these trees - it look like there was
a lightning strike
Pink Hyacinth Orchid (Dipodium roseum) - there were lots and
lots of these on flower that we saw on the walk out back to the car.
Thanks to Roger Lembit for the identification.
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