Grand Canyon - 30 November 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Keith, Chuin Nee and Dave

Above - Cinnamon Bells, or the Potato Orchid (Gastrodia sesamoides) growing near Evans Lookout Road, Blackheath

Above - Keith on the abseil into the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee on the abseil into the canyon

Above - Pool at the abseil

Above - Further down the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee trying to keep her feet dry

Above - Another party in the canyon

Above - This section of the canyon is very beautiful

Above - A Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii) enjoys the sun

Above - On the track to Evans Lookout

Above - Chuin Nee at Evans Lookout

Above - We sheltered at the lookout as a thunderstorm passed over

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