Hat Hill Canyon - 26 December 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Wendy, Keith, Steph, Dave

Thanks to Wendy for organising the trip.

Above - Looking into the first constriction of the canyon

Above - Steph

Above - Steph, joined by Keith and Wendy

Above - the start of the second constriction

Above - Keith

Above - Steph and Wendy

Above - Wendy in the canyon

Above - a Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) sunning itself.

Above - Steph and Wendy in the third constriction

Above - a small cascade below the canyon

Above - Grose Valley walls

Above - Grose Valley

We then headed back up through the third constriction before exiting the canyon

Above - Hat Hill Ck below the canyon

Above - Wendy, Steph and Keith

Above - in the third constriction

Above - Hat Hill Ck and the Grose Valley

Above - rock formation

Above - approaching Hat Hill

After returning from the canyon, we went to Blackheath for refreshments, then headed to Govetts Leap for some storm watching

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

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