Rocky Creek Canyon - 4 December 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Enmoore, Stu, Dave
This was the 40th anniversary, to the day, of my first visit to the
canyon on 4 December 1976, on an exploratory trip with Bob
Sault, Nic Bendeli and Dave Firman. It was good to visit again on a
30°+ C day!
Enmoore and Stu had diverted to visit nearby Twister Canyon, while I
headed staright to Rocky Creek so I could spent some time
photographing. After going through the canyon, we headed back
upstream and returned via the entrance track.

Above - Enmoore and Stu in the canyon

Above - Enmoore and Stu in the canyon

Above - Enmoore and Stu in the canyon
Back at the carpark, we headed to a nearby lookout for lunch.

Above - Stu on a pagoda

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